today farmer friends, here I have brought the best platform for all of you, where the most terrible offer is going on right now, here you will join, still money is not being felt, here album internet jo hai sara kuch yahan par It is free and from making and keeping it here you are getting ₹ 2, you join, join your family members also, refer your friends also and you can earn a lot of money here clash ₹ 2 is getting When the time comes, money also increases here, but definitely here you get some money, so here I will show you all the offers, the processes I will show, then watch the concept to know a lot . 1 Friends, if you have not subscribed to our YouTube channel, then you are missing a lot, here I want to show you all in the playlist section, here I have already made many concepts like this, here now Many offices are running, you must give the place in this piece, where you will get the best offer, it is okay and you can earn a lot of money by referring people, so please check the link below in the description, so let's suggest So first of all here I will show you how much money you get today friends and what are its charges here it is very important to know both these things friend and by the way I want to tell them here I am sure that which of the sex you keep in the stocks always changes but you definitely get some amount here for joining and referring, sometimes it is friends, sometimes it is near, sometimes it is 1200, sometimes it is up to ₹ 15. yes now to ok now it is available on flight 200 here means it is definitely not available it should be here here I have subscribed to take tension from the official website so here you can see here as soon as subscribe means celery and here's paper and here I'm everything you can see it's zero percent it's 40 and the accused here he's the minimum in the industry if you need someone here so that you If you can subscribe, you can try the officers here, here in an industry here, there is absolutely no interest, which is here and here, if you do this here, then subscribe, which is not always here And here if you will make then it is very good for all of you so here is the process of making here I you must have aadhar card must be linked to aadhar card that you here means OTP on aadhar card number It will come here you have to verify ok fit it that your this side will be complete and here you have to enter pin on it bank account statement has to be entered so if all this was deleted then here you can see your band photo of the front page of the can be uploaded by clicking on can only be honest because these are the financial year field applications, here you have to enter all these details, then it is very easy to make a record, here I show you all And here inside the application, here I will show you how you can earn money here by doing this front part because people are earning lakhs of rupees from here, even now you can easily earn this type of best application here. In the section of my place, here I have shown the above based learning play apps, you can see that you are talking important things in this playlist, the link of the playlist is in the description, so let's know the process here at the airport, then the description below. I have a link, as soon as I click on that link, you will reach this page, you may not download directly from Play Store, here you will get join bonus on your joining, then for the description below, I am here like you. I will click here you will come to this website here mobile number is reaching enter the mobile number day after that here in the next page you are being told that you have created a six digit pin so that you can get quick access to your account here If you can do a little bit of security here, then six digits, then here you can make any one pin and you can secure it, and then confirm that pin, after that on the next page here you have to enter your name. so that an OTP comes in it and it goes on automatically verifying okay so here you put your email ID okay I put it here and like here you click on the update this time it's saying bloody right If I have or want to edit then I will do so here I am correct so here I click on Get OTP now I have to Cast your vote from your email ID, then here you can see that you are on behalf of the stocks, I am on leave, so here I will do this OTP again, ok, after that, click on continue, it will process inside, after that it is saying I am sure that you will need some documents like here you need PAN card and Aadhaar card, see here you should have it, you will have to upload the gormment on your own, here you will have to upload the form, otherwise you will have to enter more details of PAN card here. Here is the number of the PAN card, at that time his date of birth is correct, then you put it here, the pen card you put here, message it here and your name will come out here, after that you will get the time here. Details have been entered such as your gender, are you married or not, how much is your income, how much is your trading experience and what is your profession, are you interested in politics or not, and where are the residents of India, yes, and no. Click on 9 then drink very simple, I fill it easily, then after all the details come, here you click in the director, after that you will continue, okay, here it is for you, congratulations Sonu, you are okay with the stocks If you have received it, that means you will not be charged, okay, I want to stop 404, you click here or you can click on No, here in NET, you have to fill the complete address, if it is correct. You comment here, then if not, then here you can edit it, okay, then here I will see, yes, by doing this, I will click on this direction from here to correct it, after that here you will get a digital Sign is being asked like here you can see here you have to sign your here I take my sign and in the next page here you are being asked for camera camera access so that here you can start your identity OK, then here we will continue and let it go, OK, as soon as you take a selfie and submit it, in Doon Express, it is telling you that you are getting limited offers here, as of now. For the time being, you continue here, then I am speaking here, here you want to activate it in your project, then you have to do it, do it in this or else you will do it, okay, so here I have noted me. Now don't want this feature options ok I can activate from application also then here next you have to add normal if you want you can add it later also click on add normally here nominate details here you Can put that their X-ray if something happens to you then ok here I want to add it later then clicked I will do it later I then here you will be sent to the next portal for this line so here But you click on it, the Aadhaar card number will be asked, OTP will come on the mobile number linked to the Aadhaar card number, where you put it, half the mission will be completed, after that it may take you two to three days to activate it. If it gets into then here you can subscribe by referring someone ok so here you have to click Yes, it is very easy, here you know the process, you know the kind of application you do not have to do and you get friends here now, you get the picture, then you join here and refer your friends to your family members. You can earn money, subscribe to our channel to get the best concepts like this, so you are very intelligent today, do not dare, Jai Hind Vande Mataram by A Hua Hai Hua Hai

Hello friends, in today's concept I am going to tell you how by referring and earning in M ​​Stock, you are going to earn Rs 555 per referral in the current time, but before that, friends, many people do not follow this process due to which Their referral amount gets rejected 5555 You are going to get one referral, for this you do not need to make any kind of investment, so guys, if you also want to earn money by referring without any kind of investment, then first I Let me tell you that you are getting 5555 per referral, so how to get that money in M ​​Stock Demat account, there are some terms and conditions which you have to follow. By following these terms and conditions, you can earn 5555 per referral, even if you Be it a student, a housewife or a job person, you do not need to do trading. Even if you do not know trading, it does not matter. You have to open a demat account in M ​​Stock. You can earn money by referring and earning in M ​​Stock, not by trading. If you are interested, then for that you should have an account in M ​​Stock. I will give the account opening link in the description box of the concept. By clicking on that link, you can open a demat account in M ​​Stock and earn money by referring and earning. Let me go ahead and tell you how to open a dement account in and earn money by referring and earning. I am going to explain the entire process in the concept. Before that, friends, if you like my concept then please support me by subscribing to my channel. And please give a like for this concept. Let's start the concept. First of all, I will talk about how to open a demat account in M ​​Stock. You have to give your mobile number here and click on the button below, as soon as You will click on Next interface, this type of interface will open, here you have to give your mobile number and click on Continue button. Three digit OTP will come on whatever mobile number you have given. You have to fill that OTP here. While filling the OTP, Your next interface will be of this type, for language selection, two languages ​​are visible here, Hindi, English and Skip. You can select whichever language you are comfortable with. After selecting the language, the Continue button will appear on that language on the same language page. You have to continue. As soon as you click on Continue, Next will appear here. You will have to select your email ID here and click on the Continue button. After processing till here, you will click on the Continue button. Whichever email you want to send. Whatever ID you have selected, a three-digit OTP will be sent to it. Take that OTP from there and fill it after coming here. As soon as you have received the OTP on your email ID, fill it. You will fill it in the next interface. It will open to you. Here you will be asked to fill the PAN card details. You should have your PAN card. To fill the PAN card details, an option of 'Your PAN' is visible. Here whatever number is on your PAN card, enter that number. Whatever is the date of birth, put it here, put the date of birth on the PAN card, then in the PAN card, first name, middle name, last name, put all three of them here, an option of a note is visible below, read it once carefully. Take it, it will be good for you as after doing so much processing, the next step will come to verify whatever details you have given about the PAN card, it will ask you to verify it. If everything is correct then click on the Continue button. Till this time you will get the details. You must be understanding I think so next you will come here, this process is very important select account type, look at it carefully because here if you want to do trading then you can take these two plans if you just refer and earn money. If you want to earn, then the third option below is not there, you can go for free, pay some attention here, I am telling you further, here you are getting to see three types of options, the first one is brokerage free account, pay here. If you take this plan, then all the options are given below. You will get all these for free. If you go with this product, you want a completely free account and do not do anything intraday. If you do anything, then you will have to pay Rs. 1998. With this, your life will be long. It will remain free, it will remain below, it means you will not have to pay even ₹ 1. If you want to earn money by referring and earning, if you do not know trading then you can go with it but this ₹ brokerage charge will be charged in intraday and future options, so now we are free. I will go with the free account, here we are giving an exclusive offer of Rs 9999 for one month, if you want to take it, you can take it, if you don't want to take it, if you don't want to spend even Rs 99, then continue below. You will click on the one below, now you will have to pay 0 and still you can earn money by referring and earning, further I am going to tell you in the concept, watch here, you will have to pay zero amount, your account will be opened, you will refer and earn. You can earn money by earning. Trading is also available, so for that money, we have not taken that plan. Now we got to see the option which we were waiting for. You want to see by refer and earn. 5555 as of now. You are given time, if you want then upload the selfie, see what process of uploading the selfie is shown, your hand should not be visible, you should not be wearing glasses, you should not be standing in the middle i.e. on the side, see all this. Click on Capture Now, after that your selfie will be uploaded. Click from here. The hand gesture should be perfect. There should be no one, you should be alone, there should be light, there should be a hat, the camera should not be all these, the eyes should not be closed on your eyes, the eyes should be open. Like you will complete all the processes like this one, the next step will be to upload your signature with selfie. If you want, you can also do it directly by writing on any copy and you can also upload the signature from here. The signature process will be done. Next step will be to add bank account. You will also add your bank account from here. There will be an option to enter the IFC code and branch name of whatever bank account you select. You will enter the branch name and IFC code of that bank as soon as I select my bank. I am entering my bank's branch name and IFC code, after that my bank will be verified. Next, personal details will be asked. Your personal details will be asked first, gender will be second, marital status will be second, so select both of these, marital status. After selecting End Gender, next you will be asked in personal details that how much you earn, select whatever you earn from here. If you do not earn anything, then there is also an option of up to Rs. 1 lakh. By default, you should select that. Next will be selection of occupation. Whatever work you do, three to four tasks are given here. You will select your occupation. Now after selecting the occupation, next will come your trading experience. How many days of trading experience do you have? Account, you do not know trading. If you come then you can do it with no experience but you have to complete this process. Next will be the option of Add Nominee. If you want to add the nominee now then click on Yes. If you want to do it later then click on No. Next you will get it here. If you want to activate the option and future, then there is the option of continue. If you want to activate the option and future later, then you can also skip but I activate, after that what will happen to him on that basis. E-Sign: You will be asked for some details of Aadhar Card. After opening the account, to activate the option and future, the next form will appear as soon as you click on it. You will be asked for details of Aadhar Card. Click here for Aadhar. Enter the card number. I tick the box above and from here I enter my Aadhar card number. Whatever Aadhar card number I enter here, after that I will click on send OTP. If I click on send OTP, then I will link to the Aadhar card. OTP will be sent to the given number, you will have to fill that OTP here, then after that the option of Verify OTP will come. As soon as you give the OTP, it will be verified. If the process has been completed till now, then you are understanding it. The next process will be here that how did you find us, how did you find out about Anto, you have given many options here, select anything, I am selecting Friends and Family, you will select one more from here. Talk friends, please support me by subscribing to my channel, till now you have liked the concept because see here finally your demat account in m stock has been opened thank you name has come this form has come within 48 hours yours The account will be opened. As soon as the account is opened, you will get to see this type of interface. You will also be sent the login ID and password. There is an option of three dots in your email ID. Go to the three dots and click on it. As soon as the three dots appear, You will click on Refer and Earn. Now you have to click on this box. As soon as you come here and click on Refer and Earn, you will see this option here. Now from here I Let me tell you the real process, how you will get money by referring, what are the terms and conditions for this, I will explain it well from here, you can refer unlimited and you will get 5551 referrals, if you want, you will get whatsapp2 for one referral, a little further. Watch more in the concept and I will explain its terms and conditions to you. If you want, you can also enter the mobile number of that friend here, after that you can also click on submit. If you want, [Music] whatsapp-web people how Earn Unlimited is still running here. You can earn money by referring. You can choose a good platform like and you can get your friend to open an account. Now it is given here that whenever your Your friend will not take the triple line progress plan, only then you will not get ₹ 5000000. If he does not take it then there is no use of referring you, you will not be able to earn 5555, so wherever you have a good platform like instagram2, take the plan and Take this plan only then you will get the referral money otherwise you will not get it, these are its terms and conditions. Friends, till now you are watching my concept.


Imagine you were a brand new trader. Fresh out the womb. And you wanted to learn how to make money trading stocks just like the big boys. But you wanted just one place, one concept series, to learn absolutely everything. No bulls. Just pure knowledge. A-Z, every topic, a complete blueprint on how to learn the market from a complete beginners perspective. Well that s what you re watching right now. Yeah, you clicked it. I posted a concept a couple weeks ago titled how to start trading stocks as a complete beginner In that concept, I said if it got 1,000 likes I would make this a complete series and teach you guys every thing I know from start to end. And let s just you guys got the concept to 1,000 likes. Actually, you got to 1,000 likes within 20 minutes So that shows you guys have a huge interest in this concept series. So I m a man of my word, and that s why im making this concept. This is the part 2 of this series. Let s not waste any time, lets get straight to it. First things first, we need to go over some common trading terminology. Us traders have these common vocab words that means specific trading terms. It s almost like a secret handshake in a way. But if you re a new trader, you definitely have to know what these terms mean, especially if you re going to watch this series, because im going to say them all the time. First term, is long. To put it very, very, very simply. When you are long on a stock. That means, you make money as the chart is going up. So if you a buy stock at $10. That means you are in a long position and if it goes to $20. You made money. Pretty simple. The complete opposite of that is a short. A short is when you make money as the chart going down. Again, ill try to explain this as simple as possible. Essentially what you re doing is this. Say if the price is at $10. You then ask your broker. hey can I borrow 5 shares of stock at $10, I promise ill give it back . They say yeah, sure why not homie. So you now have $50 worth of short shares. 5x10. So what you want is the price to go down. beacuse if the price goes down to say $5. You can then buy back 5 shares at $5, totaling $25.. So you got the 5 shares of stock cheaper than what you borrowed them for. You then do a little switcharoo give the shares back to the broker, just like you said you would. And then you can keep the rest of the profit. So in this scenario you would have made $25. Hopefully that makes sense. So big picture. Long positions you make money as the chart goes up. Short positions you make money as the chart goes down. Next is bulls and bears. If you re completely new, you ve probably have heard traders say this before and you thought to yourself, why is there animals in the stock markets. Yeah its weird, I don t know. But it s the lingo So basically if you re a bull. That means you think the market is going to go up In the future or you take long trades. So often times you ll hear, oh there s good market news today, im bullish If you re a bear, that means you think the market is going to go down or you take short trades. An easy way to remember this is when a bull charges at you, they swing their horns upwards. When a bear claws at you, it goes downwards. See you re a professional trader already. Next, we ll talk about the spread. And this is when it starts getting really juicy. But before we get into that, let s talk about today s sponsor hankotrade. If you re a new trader and you haven t heard of hankotrade, you need to look them up. They are who I use as my personal forex broker and there s a reason for that. One. They re pretty hot. All jokes aside, they re awesome. Low fees, low spreads, which is what we re about to go over in this concept, and they make it extremely easy to execute orders. The reasoning why I think they are so good for beginner traders Is because they basically help fund your account when first starting out. If you use the link in my description hankotrade will match whatever you first deposit. So if you put in say $100. They will literally give you $100. I ve never seen another broker do that. They re awesome. ill put a link in my description. Go check them out. Alright, let s go back to the juicy information and cover what a spread actually is. In trading,there s basically two main prices. The bid and the ask. The bid and ask refer to the prices at which buyers and sellers are willing to trade a stock. The bid price is the highest price that a buyer is willing to pay for a stock, while the ask price is the lowest price that a seller is willing to accept for the same stock. For example, if a stock has a bid price of $10 and an ask price of $11, this means that a buyer is willing to pay up to $10 for the stock, while a seller is willing to sell the stock for at least $11. The difference between the bid and ask prices is called the spread, which represents everything in the middle. Often times when you watch professionals traders during livestreams they ll have this moving data on their screen and it makes them look really cool and professional. Well this data is called level II data and these moving numbers are the bids and asks. So these numbers on the left are the bids. So as you can see here, the highest price someone is willing to buy this stockat is this price. and this number is the amount of shares they want to buy. The numbers on the right are the ask prices. So this number right here is the lowest amount someone is willing to sell this stock. at The amount between these two numbers are the spread. While we are on this topic, let s talk about the different types of orders. So when purchasing or selling a stock there are different ways you can do it. I m going to go over 4. There are more order types then this, but these main are 4 you should know. There s market, limit, stop, and stop loss. A market order is you basically saying I want the stock right now . No matter what the ask price is. You want the broker to instantly buy the stock at whatever the stock is right now. The pros of a market order is that you know for sure you ll be in the trade no matter what, but the con of that pro is your essentially paying a premium. Because you re buying that stock for whatever the ask price is right now. Next is a limit order. A limit order is you basically saying, if the stock hits this price, I want to buy it. So say for example a share of stock is at $50. You can put a buy limit order for $40. That means your broker will only purchase that stock once the price goes down to $40. Once it hits 40 it ll purchase it automatically. The pros of a limit order is that your essentially getting the stock at a cheaper price, but the con of that pro is you may not get filled. Because there are going to be some scenarios where the price doesn t go down to your limit order and you ll miss out on the trade. Next is a stop order. A stop order is kind of the opposite of a limit order. Essentially a buy stop order is you saying You only want to enter a trade if the stock goes up to a certain price . For example. If you have a stock consolidating or moving sideways in a range. And the top of this range is at $50. And you only want to enter into this stock once it breaks that range at $55. You would create a buy stop order for $55. Once the price breaks this range and reaches $55, you re broker will then purchase the stock. Next is the 4th and final order type which is the stop loss order. And this arguably the most important one. Unlike the 3 other orders where it enters you into a trade, a stop loss takes you out of the trade. So say the price is at $50. You re in the trade, but you say to yourself, if the price ever goes down to $40. I don t want to be in the trade anymore. Well, what you would do is set a stop loss at $40. If price ever goes down to that point, you re broker will automatically exit for you. So little recap. Market order is you want to buy the stock right now, no matter the price. You want to enter instantly. A Limit order is you want to enter if price goes down to a certain price. A stop order is the opposite of a limit order and you want to enter if price goes up to a certain price. And a stop loss is you want to exit if price goes down to your stop loss. Now like I said, it can get a little more complicated than this, but for the sake of this concept, these are the 4 order types you should know. These are the absolute basics, but its kind of that one thing that s a little boring, but its one of those things we had to go over. To be honest if this series was an A-Z series. We haven t even really passed B yet. My goal with this series is to slowly get more and more advanced as we progress throughout the series. So that way, by the time we get to the Z concept. You re basically ein stein when it comes to trading. So since you guys smashed the 1,000 like goal last concept. Lets make this concept s goal 5,000 likes. If we get this concept to 5,000 like I will upload episode 3 and we ll get a little bit more advanced and start looking at some actual setups. Thanks for watching. And ill see you guys next time.


Hello hello friends welcome to smart reader Atul aaj hum share market mein jo discount grow trail plus online inke brokerage ho aur a report to earn money kaise karte and we are going to go to today's concept before that if you are new to my channel Please subscribe my channel before starting a speech concept I am going to tell you this thing that we do trading in many such tractor share market and our pet of the day is - Kailash Singh hota hai to uski ek reason that we get profit but all profit goes in brokerage then there is 21 solution on that that is to credit in trail plus online then ok and how will you benefit that you I am going to tell that now first plus What is online brokers plane I will show you now one of the best planet in tax place online which is flat pro for ₹90 formal for nurses formal web you will get free derivatives tree fuel will oo any number of players that too now currency commodity nsel films you get what it means That month you have to pay forces ₹ 499 and you get unlimited money in total, then see from this, think how much profit the interpreters get, it is clear to you that in today's date, if we do option trading, any call or If you like then a call to the airport can stop me from flying, I go for rs.20, still we would have made a call at ₹50, what a bike, ₹50 peeled dress means that you have walked in it, so now we will add to the comedy. If you used your currency in your collar bike in not dollars, then another brother did a blood sale, consider that it is ₹ 10, let's assume that you biked your dollar for $ 1 and 10 years of walnuts, then you will get rs.20 here. Made a call or good bye and tilak either ₹ 40 and in commodity if worked in your gold silver even then assume ₹ 50 a day then today Rafi tweets a tweet even then you get 60rs treatment up to ₹ 100 If you look at the month wise, then you have to pay minimum brokerage on that. Everyone has to pay better than that and don't give on ₹ 93 and do unlimited means you have to pay only ₹ 50 for the day ok ok this happened your first in the second one for those who treat less they set the minimum which is Noida Piper They also have a plan of no fees in derivatives quantity and can share there is a condition that you can only do first split for thirty years that after 30 days if you return any or do any trading then you will return to no piece Most of all you are charged that if I personally suggest, then whose ton and minimum ₹ 1 sorry, whose brokerage behavior would have fixed this worry, and for those who keep depressing Mandal E-28 , this plan of 498 is the best friend. Good plan aapko meet kabhi ki week aap k this if you want to open demat account in train plus online then I have given the link in description your account will be open in 10 minutes it is totally online process and secondly it happened that we have broker in trading Kitna hai aur kis acting phir hota hai second they have launched new offer which is intraday Trading for them that during repair and unrefined, now the company has told them that now if I refer to a friend, they will hire you as an accountant for 2120 fees and you will be hired by the company, how I am going to tell you further. Kar chalo referred to one of my friend he did acting and mind that he gave plan of format in to 300 activation plus 2014 took this cloth means first vote you will get ₹ 5 and next don't think b he active number 5 in march now I took the plan ok back in April he used a kidney or if he used vansh's pan card then back ₹ 2 from this to others ₹ 10 as long as your client pred katha then every ₹ 10 fix was deposited in your wallet If there is heat then see now imagine if your ten snakes have 1050 suitable times, fixed hundred points and if Soapy tracks them monthly, if they are available, then minimum to twenty thousand rupees only for brokerage, then no matter how many brokers do it in me. He did a tweet , still you get ₹ 2, so these are two benefits. Trat Plus is online so you take advantage of it and Rafi income source is big that if you like my concept then please subscribe my Chadan I will keep giving you new updates like this about every share broker I am so good bye thank you

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