Hello friends, in today's concept I am going to tell you how by referring and earning in M ​​Stock, you are going to earn Rs 555 per referral in the current time, but before that, friends, many people do not follow this process due to which Their referral amount gets rejected 5555 You are going to get one referral, for this you do not need to make any kind of investment, so guys, if you also want to earn money by referring without any kind of investment, then first I Let me tell you that you are getting 5555 per referral, so how to get that money in M ​​Stock Demat account, there are some terms and conditions which you have to follow. By following these terms and conditions, you can earn 5555 per referral, even if you Be it a student, a housewife or a job person, you do not need to do trading. Even if you do not know trading, it does not matter. You have to open a demat account in M ​​Stock. You can earn money by referring and earning in M ​​Stock, not by trading. If you are interested, then for that you should have an account in M ​​Stock. I will give the account opening link in the description box of the concept. By clicking on that link, you can open a demat account in M ​​Stock and earn money by referring and earning. Let me go ahead and tell you how to open a dement account in m.sk and earn money by referring and earning. I am going to explain the entire process in the concept. Before that, friends, if you like my concept then please support me by subscribing to my channel. And please give a like for this concept. Let's start the concept. First of all, I will talk about how to open a demat account in M ​​Stock. You have to give your mobile number here and click on the button below, as soon as You will click on Next interface, this type of interface will open, here you have to give your mobile number and click on Continue button. Three digit OTP will come on whatever mobile number you have given. You have to fill that OTP here. While filling the OTP, Your next interface will be of this type, for language selection, two languages ​​are visible here, Hindi, English and Skip. You can select whichever language you are comfortable with. After selecting the language, the Continue button will appear on that language on the same language page. You have to continue. As soon as you click on Continue, Next will appear here. You will have to select your email ID here and click on the Continue button. After processing till here, you will click on the Continue button. Whichever email you want to send. Whatever ID you have selected, a three-digit OTP will be sent to it. Take that OTP from there and fill it after coming here. As soon as you have received the OTP on your email ID, fill it. You will fill it in the next interface. It will open to you. Here you will be asked to fill the PAN card details. You should have your PAN card. To fill the PAN card details, an option of 'Your PAN' is visible. Here whatever number is on your PAN card, enter that number. Whatever is the date of birth, put it here, put the date of birth on the PAN card, then in the PAN card, first name, middle name, last name, put all three of them here, an option of a note is visible below, read it once carefully. Take it, it will be good for you as after doing so much processing, the next step will come to verify whatever details you have given about the PAN card, it will ask you to verify it. If everything is correct then click on the Continue button. Till this time you will get the details. You must be understanding I think so next you will come here, this process is very important select account type, look at it carefully because here if you want to do trading then you can take these two plans if you just refer and earn money. If you want to earn, then the third option below is not there, you can go for free, pay some attention here, I am telling you further, here you are getting to see three types of options, the first one is brokerage free account, pay here. If you take this plan, then all the options are given below. You will get all these for free. If you go with this product, you want a completely free account and do not do anything intraday. If you do anything, then you will have to pay Rs. 1998. With this, your life will be long. It will remain free, it will remain below, it means you will not have to pay even ₹ 1. If you want to earn money by referring and earning, if you do not know trading then you can go with it but this ₹ brokerage charge will be charged in intraday and future options, so now we are free. I will go with the free account, here we are giving an exclusive offer of Rs 9999 for one month, if you want to take it, you can take it, if you don't want to take it, if you don't want to spend even Rs 99, then continue below. You will click on the one below, now you will have to pay 0 and still you can earn money by referring and earning, further I am going to tell you in the concept, watch here, you will have to pay zero amount, your account will be opened, you will refer and earn. You can earn money by earning. Trading is also available, so for that money, we have not taken that plan. Now we got to see the option which we were waiting for. You want to see by refer and earn. 5555 as of now. You are given time, if you want then upload the selfie, see what process of uploading the selfie is shown, your hand should not be visible, you should not be wearing glasses, you should not be standing in the middle i.e. on the side, see all this. Click on Capture Now, after that your selfie will be uploaded. Click from here. The hand gesture should be perfect. There should be no one, you should be alone, there should be light, there should be a hat, the camera should not be all these, the eyes should not be closed on your eyes, the eyes should be open. Like you will complete all the processes like this one, the next step will be to upload your signature with selfie. If you want, you can also do it directly by writing on any copy and you can also upload the signature from here. The signature process will be done. Next step will be to add bank account. You will also add your bank account from here. There will be an option to enter the IFC code and branch name of whatever bank account you select. You will enter the branch name and IFC code of that bank as soon as I select my bank. I am entering my bank's branch name and IFC code, after that my bank will be verified. Next, personal details will be asked. Your personal details will be asked first, gender will be second, marital status will be second, so select both of these, marital status. After selecting End Gender, next you will be asked in personal details that how much you earn, select whatever you earn from here. If you do not earn anything, then there is also an option of up to Rs. 1 lakh. By default, you should select that. Next will be selection of occupation. Whatever work you do, three to four tasks are given here. You will select your occupation. Now after selecting the occupation, next will come your trading experience. How many days of trading experience do you have? Account, you do not know trading. If you come then you can do it with no experience but you have to complete this process. Next will be the option of Add Nominee. If you want to add the nominee now then click on Yes. If you want to do it later then click on No. Next you will get it here. If you want to activate the option and future, then there is the option of continue. If you want to activate the option and future later, then you can also skip but I activate, after that what will happen to him on that basis. E-Sign: You will be asked for some details of Aadhar Card. After opening the account, to activate the option and future, the next form will appear as soon as you click on it. You will be asked for details of Aadhar Card. Click here for Aadhar. Enter the card number. I tick the box above and from here I enter my Aadhar card number. Whatever Aadhar card number I enter here, after that I will click on send OTP. If I click on send OTP, then I will link to the Aadhar card. OTP will be sent to the given number, you will have to fill that OTP here, then after that the option of Verify OTP will come. As soon as you give the OTP, it will be verified. If the process has been completed till now, then you are understanding it. The next process will be here that how did you find us, how did you find out about Anto, you have given many options here, select anything, I am selecting Friends and Family, you will select one more from here. Talk friends, please support me by subscribing to my channel, till now you have liked the concept because see here finally your demat account in m stock has been opened thank you name has come this form has come within 48 hours yours The account will be opened. As soon as the account is opened, you will get to see this type of interface. You will also be sent the login ID and password. There is an option of three dots in your email ID. Go to the three dots and click on it. As soon as the three dots appear, You will click on Refer and Earn. Now you have to click on this box. As soon as you come here and click on Refer and Earn, you will see this option here. Now from here I Let me tell you the real process, how you will get money by referring, what are the terms and conditions for this, I will explain it well from here, you can refer unlimited and you will get 5551 referrals, if you want, you will get whatsapp2 for one referral, a little further. Watch more in the concept and I will explain its terms and conditions to you. If you want, you can also enter the mobile number of that friend here, after that you can also click on submit. If you want, [Music] whatsapp-web people how Earn Unlimited is still running here. You can earn money by referring. You can choose a good platform like facebooksignup.in and you can get your friend to open an account. Now it is given here that whenever your Your friend will not take the triple line progress plan, only then you will not get ₹ 5000000. If he does not take it then there is no use of referring you, you will not be able to earn 5555, so wherever you have a good platform like instagram2, take the plan and Take this plan only then you will get the referral money otherwise you will not get it, these are its terms and conditions. Friends, till now you are watching my concept.

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