in this concept i want to show you how  to sign up and get the referral bonus   from successfully as simple as  it might seem i failed to get the 25 bonus   and my friend who referred me also failed to do so  and that's because somehow their system failed to   track the referral between us and i don't want  that to happen to you and so i'm going to tell   you the safer way of making sure that you can get  that bonus by using the copy and paste approach so in this webpage let me enlarge for you there  are four steps and they are easy first step you   download the app go to app store search for and you'll find it the second step   is crucial during signup you have to enter my  referral code which is this you have to copy this   code you have to either control c or if you're on  a mobile phone select and hold and then copy it   as stated in their knowledge based there's this  button invited at referral code tap on it and then   paste the referral code there so continue sign up  and step three it is part of your signup you have   to do your kyc verification this is necessary  because financial apps require all the strict   identity verification so bear with it and then  go through it but once you pass the verification   you will see the 25 usd but it will be locked  how to unlock that you have to go to step four   the final step which is to stake for visa card  or more precisely the metal visa card which is   actually quite nice so there are different card  tiers so you have to get ruby steel and above   which means taking 400 usd and more just don't get  a midnight blue which doesn't require any staking   but this will not give you the bonus so don't  apply this so let me show you the process of   signing up for this card so in their knowledge  base they have all the screenshots let me just go   through with you so that i get a few it's actually  very easy no in the app there's this card tab tap   on it and just follow to follow the steps to to  select your card and then and then sign up in   this stage they will ask you to purchase and hold  cro for six months this is the 180 days staking so one of the thing that i want to  point out in their screenshots is that   you see that you can unlock 50 usd one  year ago actually their sign up bonus is 50   usd but now it's half and we only get 25  but it's better than nothing so when you   purchase they'll use the current rate of cro  to usd in fact one year ago the price of cro is   much much lesser so if the same things happens if  cro value continues to grow if you stake it today   six months later cro might be higher price and if  you then sell that cro you actually make a profit   of course it comes with a risk it can go up it  can also go down but i will say that you should   continue sticking it six months and after it ends  you can restrict it and that's necessary because   when you're sticking for the card you do get  additional benefit and i highly recommend that you   do so and in the next concept i'll talk about how  to invest with by sticking other tokens   so lastly let me share with you the issue  i had with getting my referral bonus   i was using the option a which is to use a  referral link so my friend sent me the link i   opened it up but because i was using brief browser  and it has ad locker and i believe that caused   the referral code to be dropped it wasn't  prefilled in and i didn't know that so this is the   current track the code i actually raise it up with  their cs their customer support is actually pretty   good that in the app you can message them and  they'll reply you maybe maybe around a day so they   helped to check for my case and their reply was  simply that their system didn't capture the code   so the app is fantastic everything about them is  good accept this screw up with the referral bonus   but i think um an exceptional case i don't  think this will happen to you is you if you   use the option b which is to copy and paste the  referral code that should be fine so do still sign   up for it and i highly recommend it as i said  in the next concepts i will tell you more about   investments on other tokens staking it and getting  some yield of ten percent so till then bye bye

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